Posted 6 years ago
(925 items)
I bought this nice Cosden Gas sign several months ago and we finally stood it up in the Lakeside Storage annex today in the new "Sign Forest". Cosden Oil has a rich American history as its owner, Josh Cosden, was working as a drug store clerk in Boston in 1910, but somehow got the financing to build one of the biggest gas/oil refineries in Oklahoma in 1913 and later a pipeline acting as the supply line to the refinery that all the suppliers had to use to sell their crude oil. He also built the first high rise office building in Tulsa and owned multiple mansions, yachts, race horses, and lived the high life. His was the life many call the"American Dream" . He dropped over dead of a heart attack while riding in his own private railroad car in 1940, the year I was born. So much for the history lesson. I love the sign. I got it in NC.
Thx for the love it
Thx for the love it
Thx for the love it
Thx for the love it
Thx for the love it
Thx for the love it