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Antique Cuckoo Clock

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Cuckoo Clocks15 of 110inherited from my German. grzndmotherDeer cuckoo
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (195 items)

    Hi, yesterday I was at my Favorite fleamarket and came across this beautiful antique Cuckoo Clock it was under a table in a box the frame was broken in several pieces and is missing it’s top crown. It looks like someone had this clock movement repaired/cleaned as well as new bellows as the movement seems pretty clean it is also missing one of chains it look like this Clock fell dropped as it is broken in several peace’s I have not yet glued it back to heather but peaced it together for you to see the pendulum it resting on the top as pictured When I pull downbeat on the chain the clock ticks so I do believe this Clock will work once I replace The chains it measures about 18” tall but 10” wide I see no marking to the movement the bird is wood a beautifully painted. I believe this Cuckoo Clock to be antique 1890’s-1912? Any information you may have about this Cuckoo Clock would never gladly appreciated thanks.

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    1. Newfld Newfld, 6 years ago
      Gorgeous antique cuckoo clock, the woodworking and floral designs are fabulous. Is the pop out bird operational, I see it's detached in photo
    2. Tangoes Tangoes, 6 years ago
      re newfld : yes the bird is operational.

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