Posted 6 years ago
(436 items)
Are those drops colorful black opals...
Nope! They are KMO, Kitchen Made Opal or... Kyra Made Opal ;-))
After the rather successful "repair" of my repouss cuff bracelet with tinfoil, I keep on using this material for some kyratisations ;-)
The earrings were lacking one teardrop faux pearl.
As I couldn't find online a convenient replacement I went for this trick!
The pressed crinckled foil was pierced with a needle, colored with permanent markers and coated with UV curing resin.
Done in half an hour
Immediately wearable
Rather satisfying result ;-)
Happy to entertain those of you who missed my kyratisations :-D
Super beautiful black opals in kaleidoscopic colors, I am always amazed by your kyratisations, splendid job!
Jenni! You were so quick to love and leave such a kind comment! THANK YOUUU :-D
Hi Kyra,
Brilliant, in so many more ways than one.
I swear this is just plain magic, too good to be man made, it must be my dear Pascale !~ 100 years from now they will wonder who the famed artist is...
.................OMFG.........You amazing !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Kyra made opal" is just amazing and I can't even imagine being able to think of doing something like this Pascale......well done:))) Gorgeous earrings!!
LOL you are so talented... love' the way is your picture here as a ring leader ...hmmmmm....smiling,.. enjoy the day
Kyra - our very old friend is back. Steptoe aka Mary. I've sent a note to admin. This is the second time I've done this.
Au Revoir
you really should have your own youtube channel, id love to see how you get it all so perfectly matched
How amazingly clever! They're gorgeous.
Oh la la... Ô..Ô
You were all so kind in commenting about my "bricolage"!!!
Gillian, many thanks for your brilliant comment :-)
Dear Phil, thank you for your enthusiastic, magic words!
Rose, Judy! You are the most amazing CW friends :-)) THANK YOU :-D
Gary, thank you for your whole comment, the yellow jackets have legitim asks, but it is a pity the hooligan's victims (burnt cars, destroyed shops, jobs lost because of the mess) aren't heard...
Ms.CrystalShip, aww, it was only necessity and impatience which led me to this kyratisation ;-) Thank you!
Hi Valentino! So happy to see you :-)
The mess with CW notifications, impossibility to add posts to our collection still keeps me away... Coming only from time to time... Thank you for your lovely comment!
Gillian... I saw... It is hopeless... Taking all this time to post common pieces instead of searching... Simply ignore her, the admins don't bother maintaining interest in CW, it seems :-/
Themuse... If I recorded my kyratisations on videos... Viewers would have to listen to all bad words and curse going with them, ;-))))
Thank you!
Pebble, THANKS! My new motto is "Need one? Try to make one!" ;-)
As soon as I saw them...I knew! Geeze, I wish you lived over here! LOL, You ought to be teaching or making money on you tube show how you do it all. Time, I know, time is just too much . Miss you lady!
Haha, Sue! I KNEW you'd knew ;-)
My "how to" channel is in fact here... on Show and Tell ;-))
Thank you for your always kind and funny comments on my kyratisations!
Ahhh! Glad I brought a smile to you ;) Hey, now that I am here I have a question for you... If I remember correctly, I used to dip my turquoise and silver in the cleaning liquid (don't remember the brand but think it's all pretty much the same) but I don't recall it having any effect on my turquoise and I'm thinking about dipping some again. I like my silver to shine and sometimes a silver cloth just isn't enough. One of my necklaces is "liquid silver" and I'm a little concerned about the thread or sinew (?) that was used. Do you think it would damage it? I know I can't put opals or pearls in it and some I just might use it with a q-tip instead of dipping, it I might just q-tip whatever I'm going to wear at the time... I'll probably get a lot of flack for this but it's all good!
Hi Kyra... Could you please take a peek at this mascara? I'm thinking you may know of it to help this person.
And I did do a quick dip on some of my pieces and love the way they came out! The patina is still there and parts I wanted to shine up a bit did exactly that!
Oohh, Sue, glad you dared to dip your liquid silver, I think it is the only way to clean that!
I use a kind of windex, with ammonia... it even works well on pearls, but I only spray and rinse, not soak fragile pieces :-D
I answered on the mascara post with what I found about Lanthéric...
Awesome! Thanks for looking at the piece for the other member! For a while here, they stopped making the windex with ammonia, but it's back. If I didn't spray and rinse like you do too, I would put a few drops of liquid dish soap, a few sprays of the Windex and warm water. Then just let it sit, that was when it was all silver. I found it did wonders for most but I've got a few pieces that it just didn't do the trick. A quick dip or 2 and rinse and dry makes it just like I wanted!
I still say the same thing...Your amazing !!
Hey girls, THANKS! :-D