Posted 14 years ago
(16 items)
I have these ice skates minus the old leather straps that would hook to your shoes. I am curious if anyone know much about these and ruffly what the value would be? Also if the one is a beginers skate??? Thanks for looking!
They are all beggining 'shoe' skates, no good quality skates would strap on. The word is "roughly" not "ruffly", and I hve no idea as to a value.
Thanks so much for the info any idea on what years these might have been used? Thanks again!
Just because I remember them being used then I would say the mid 50's....maight have been earlier but I can't say for sure, they were just an ice version of the clamp-on shoe skates we used in the summer. The one with the rounded bottom was a different design but still a begining skate. Thanks for posting these I'd almost forgotten about them...
*maight* #might#
Yes, those are childrens ice skates, they are from the late 40's to 50's and other than nostalgia, I doubt they hold much value, you may want to check with some skating places in Canada, that is where I am from and where I had mine.
Thanks so much for the information! I really appricate it!! Thanks again!! I will have to check in canda just don't know where. Thanks again!! Keith