Posted 6 years ago
(906 items)
This has an inner layer of grey, then spatter in green aventurine, brick red and deep yellow. with finally a clear outer casing and five bended knees. These are not like the strutted legs to be found on pieces by both Welz and Kralik. My next post will have that type of leg and what's more they always? come in threes.
I do however think it to be Bohemian/Czech. Feel free to come up with other suggestions.
Height 16 cm./6.25 inches
This is the only piece I've seen even vaguely like the above strutted legs
I saw this and was curious about it. It is a very interesting piece....
On bended knee, genuflecting to Peggy, the great Welz collector.
Interesting, Craig, is the 'mot juste' here. If you remember, Fran posted a piece in this décor on C.W. recently but it's no longer on her page. It was roundish with five clear feet....same cross section as the 'knees' above. So that makes two examples of the décor here in the U.K. Once again waiting for something to turn up! Very nicely made by the way.
OMG, Karen, but this is unknown......both shape and décor.
Now I have seen 2 legs, 3 legs, 4 legs, 5 legs, and 12 legs!!
Certainly not run of the mill! It's been fun imagining the two legged shape!
Well I’ll looks like a bow tie, two each leg dividing into two like a triangle
Hi Peggy, I love this! So, we have legs, feet and now knees?! Lol, I've never heard that before, very interesting. I didn't realise my vase isn't on here, I'll post it again. Mine also has a similar colour pallet, which makes me think same maker.
Hi Fran, I think so too.... for what ti's worth :)
Hi Peggy, I wondered, do you think this could be Welz in light of the life light with knees I posted?
Hi Fran, I bought it because I like things on legs, knees and even feet! I also thought the colours in the spatter were likely Welz, particularly the 'brick' red. I listed it as Bohemian Czech then waited for something to turn up......and I think it has.
We overlap a lot and I think that helps us both.
Hi Peggy, how wonderful. I'm sure more will turn up too. Sharing enhances everyone's knowledge.