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The pink spatters are especially garish....gotta say it..... Ruckl Czech glass production 1925-35.

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LOUMANAL's loves250 of 1791Czech glass - #7 Meissen typeKralik - Lava vase
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (369 items)

    I already had two of these large glass boxes by Ruckl, the yellow spatter and the orange spatter. Inspired by the Tango trend of that time period. I think the pink items came later, and they don't appeal as much as the usual yellow, red, orange, blue and green.

    Another difference is the finial has been painted black, not marked, about 6 inches by 6 inches. The box rim is 1/4 inch thick with the sandwich effect of clear layer, spatter layer and clear layer. You will note that the glass shard and chip application on the marver table was not consistent in any way. If you compare each pieces decor details.

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    1. EZa EZa, 6 years ago
      Really pretty décor. I love it!
    2. truthordare truthordare, 6 years ago
      Thank you Eza, glad you do. Someone called it Pepto Bismol
    3. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 6 years ago
      Beautiful...just beautiful! Reminds me of something I have lying around the house. Bob

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