Posted 6 years ago
(2 items)
I bought these in an antique store in Greece about 25 years ago. I recollect them being Balinese, but I have no information about them and can't seem to find them anywhere online. I'm wondering if anyone here can provide some info, as I'd like to see what kind of value they might have.
Balinese dancers...
Thanks so much for the general info. Where might I find out more, specifically, about the figures I posted in the photo?,+people+street+vendors+make+steel+dolls+to+sell+to+tourist&sa=X&rlz=1C1HLDY_enUS829US829&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&ved=2ahUKEwjOpPOf6oDgAhXqUt8KHbo6AVcQsAR6BAgEEAE&biw=1075&bih=742&dpr=1.25
I would start with things like Balinese street vendors....good luck, all those country's are famous for the street crafter's