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Art Nouveau338 of 3274Riedel Ruby Red Vase with GiltPutto with flowers figure (Spring), Michael Powolny (1907 – Gmunder Keramik, 1919)
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (429 items)

    art nouveau bust that i've had for many a sunrise & always makes me feel like i,m winning even though i may be loosing
    she's the rock that's by my side
    nymphea a a gaze where there's no escape & a desire never to the first place no mistake
    lots of love cw friends army of lovers
    as the pain once again gets to much , you all make the difference & give me hope and inner strength once more into the breach dear friends
    24th january 2019 year
    oh do excuse the dust l.o.l

    Art Nouveau
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    1. IronLace IronLace, 6 years ago
      Nymphea, a waterlily, the eternal lotus who rises above the mud & corruption of earthly existence. I can understand why she is an inspiration to you...
      And of course, what is a little dust between friends? Especially when it is privileged to grace such an esteemed collection.
      Beauty forever!
    2. MALKEY MALKEY, 6 years ago
      my ironlace your understanding like stars in the sky is completely magical
      and thankin you kindly for the love my ironlace
      all the very best malkey
    3. Newfld Newfld, 6 years ago
      She is a serene beauty Malkey and wonderful that she brings you joy, peace my friend
    4. welzebub welzebub, 6 years ago
      A lovely figure gracing a wonderfully eclectic collection.
    5. MALKEY MALKEY, 6 years ago
      rrr thank jenni for your such kind thoughts
      hi craig appreciate much !!!!!!!! your words my friend
      and for the love i tip my hat to ya thomas bb2 was here jenni craig scottv anik
      all the very best malkey
    6. MALKEY MALKEY, 6 years ago
      thankin you most kindly for the love fortapache sean austrohungaro kevin valentino
      all the very best malkey
    7. bracken3 bracken3, 6 years ago
      A fantastic bust and she's surrounded by a beautiful collection to boot. Never noticed the dust. Nice photography as usual. Have a great day and hang in there Malkey. All the best! Mark.
    8. MALKEY MALKEY, 6 years ago
      i,m so really pleased you like the bust & art glass pieces & you warm my heart with your words !!!!!!!! mark
      appreciate the love pascale kyratango mark bracken
      all the very best malkey
    9. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 6 years ago
      I have seen a lot of his work, Was mostly done in spelter, but some bronze exist. He failed in some on the face, but your bust's face is done finely. I love these art nouveau beauties in bust form.
    10. Justanovice Justanovice, 6 years ago
      She is certainly a beauty Malkey and compliments your beautiful glass so perfectly! It is good to see you back here posting, have missed you of late! I can only wish you great strength of mind to see you through the pain Malkey, so hang on in there our dear friend! Xx
    11. AnnaB AnnaB, 6 years ago
      Sending best wishes your way Malkey!
    12. Sammyz Sammyz, 6 years ago
      Fabulous MALKEY! Her look of serenity is comforting.
    13. MALKEY MALKEY, 6 years ago
      thank you phild knowledge and taste supreme !!!!!!!!
      hi lesley just fab to hear from you givin beautiful oxygen for me to breath high up the sky like a spaceship flyin so free !!!!!!!!
      rrrr annab same to you smiling back at ya !!!!!!!!
      hi sammy precisely so just super sentiments !!!!!!!!
      thankin you kindly for the love phild harry lesley annab vynil33rpm eza adele violetorange
      friends army of lovers cw gang lots love
      no smoke and mirrors your simply the best !!!!!!!!
      god bless
    14. MALKEY MALKEY, 6 years ago
      thankin you kindly for the love sean
      all the very best malkey
    15. MALKEY MALKEY, 6 years ago
      appreciate the love support craig adele sinnomore
      all the very best malkey
    16. MALKEY MALKEY, 6 years ago
      thank you so much for the love thomas
      all the very best malkey
    17. MALKEY MALKEY, 6 years ago
      most grateful for the love gudrun
      all the very best malkey
    18. Mrstyndall Mrstyndall, 6 years ago
      Lovely pieces, Malkey!
    19. MALKEY MALKEY, 6 years ago
      rrr nice of you to say mrstyndall
      all the very best malkey
    20. LOUMANAL LOUMANAL, 6 years ago
      Love that fabulous Webb Cameo Glass vase in front....the lamp is also a stunner! RER(Bob)
    21. MALKEY MALKEY, 6 years ago
      thank you very much indeed rer bob my friend
      thankin you kindly for the love radegunder aura
      all the very best malkey
    22. MALKEY MALKEY, 6 years ago
      most kind for the love rose
      all the very best malkey
    23. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 6 years ago
      What a beautiful photo. The bust and glass both compliment each other.
    24. MALKEY MALKEY, 6 years ago
      rrrrr your to kind fran
      appreciate the love fran Roycroftbooksfromme1 dlpetersen
      all the very best malkey
    25. Roycroftbooksfromme1, 6 years ago
      love this short of this part of your lovely collection ...enjoy the day bud..
    26. MALKEY MALKEY, 6 years ago
      thank you very much indeed !!!!!!!! Roycroftbooksfromme1 matey
      all the very best malkey
    27. MALKEY MALKEY, 6 years ago
      most grateful for the love buckethead
      all the very best malkey
    28. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 5 years ago
      Whenever I used to find a treasure like this in a pair, I would put the small busts on each end of a hanging substantial wall mirror !~
    29. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 5 years ago
      J. Causse was quite prolific and have seen a lot of his work in spelter even overseas in North America. He sometimes failed but every now and then a piece like this comes along and all is well in his sculpture skill !~
    30. MALKEY MALKEY, 5 years ago
      thank you so much for the love your expertise knowledge good taste a true gentleman indeed
      all the very best malkey
    31. MALKEY MALKEY, 5 years ago
      most kind the love phild vynil33rpm kevin gudrun
      all the very best malkey
    32. Alleycat1, 5 years ago
      Nice glass MALKEY and have a good day..
    33. MALKEY MALKEY, 5 years ago
      always look forward renedijkstra to your wise expressions ,,,hi ya alleycat thank you my friend
      thankin you kindly for the love renedijkstra pete alleycat daisy
      visitation today nurse jackie 3rd march 2020 year
      all the very best malkey

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