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gilbert clock

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Gilbert Clocks6 of 60Gilbert 1871 mantle clock restored Fixed it
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (20 items)

    does anyone know the name of this clock, it does not have any information on the clock, i only know that the dial says W.M.L. Gilbert Clock Company.

    Mystery Solved
    Gilbert Clocks
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    1. Bruce99 Bruce99, 6 years ago
      You clock is "No. 2" in one of Gilbert's "Lake Set" assortments. Gilbert boxed and sold only full sets of these six different models, four oak, two walnut:

      One Set "Eries" (6 clocks, all wire bell strike) $25
      One Set "Ontarios" (3 wire bell and 3 wire bell alarm) $26
      One Set 'Michigans (2 wire bell, 2 gong, 2 alarm) $27
      One Set "Hurons" (6 clocks, all alarms, wire bell) $28
      One Set "Superiors (4 gong and 2 gong alarm) $29

      These clocks date from circa 1895

      Yours looks like it may be made of Walnut. The paper dial looks pretty "new" to be from the late 1800's so it may be a reproduction dial.

      You can do an internet search on Gilbert Lake Series Clocks to find other examples from the set. In a quick search, I didn't find a No. 2 though.

      Hope that answers your questions
    2. jerrybourget jerrybourget, 6 years ago
      Beautiful Clock! =->
    3. HEDVAL HEDVAL, 6 years ago
      thank you for the information, the clock i have has a metal dial, so someone must of replaced it.
    4. Bruce99 Bruce99, 6 years ago
      I think you have a paper dial which is glued to a metal backing. That's normally how they are done. Dials were also painted on, but I don't think that was done for these models.
    5. Bruce99 Bruce99, 6 years ago
      Also, if that solves your mystery, please indicate mystery solved in your posting. Thanks.
    6. HEDVAL HEDVAL, 6 years ago
      It is a paper dial glued on, thanks for the information appreciate it.
    7. Bruce99 Bruce99, 6 years ago
      You're welcome HEDVAL. Glad I could help with this clock. Good luck with your French Clocks. Those can be notoriously difficult to run down. Information on the movements could give you a ballpark as far as the date of manufacture. The French did things a little differently...of course. They mass produced movements and many small companies or businesses cased them.

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