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Hubley Airplane

All items53599 of 245784Armour franks hot dog sign Texaco gas pump plates   Fire chief, Sky chief
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (215 items)

    This is the Alpha #495 Hubley Airplane. The first version red/silver cataloged individually from 56-60. It also came in the Fighter-Bomber Squadron set #53(57-58) and the Air Race Set #54(59). It's got issues but these older 495's are HTF in optimum condition. I'd give it a Hubley grading solid good, it's got the original prop etc. I only need the Hubley-Gabriel rd/wht/bu American Eagle #21214 to complete my 495 collection now.
    Last picture is the 495 squadron in formation from first year to last.
    In echelon we carry on.
    Oh, nothing can stop the Hubley Air Corp.

    Thanks, Toyrebel over and out.


    1. fortapache fortapache, 6 years ago
      A fine fleet of Four Nine Fives.
    2. Toyrebel Toyrebel, 6 years ago
      Great observation Thomas, you're commander of the Air Observation Post now, due to your steadfast commitment of your duty. Thanks for your comment and service.
      Thank you Ftapache, I also think they look good when displayed together. I've got a few left over planes in various condition I might customize and throw in with the group once I get the canopies, props etc. I'd like to get that #21214 to complete the collection first.
      Thanks everyone for the loves.

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