Posted 14 years ago
(364 items)
I just found this. It is a pink color, but the photos came out more orange. It is heavy, it has no markings, and no "stamp" line. Looks like old glass and the subject matter is really cool. (bowl is birds feathers) Since it was under three bucks I didn't have to resist, but it would be great to have some knowledge (or a place to find knowledge)
Whoops, I meant the bowl is the nest....
I know I know who made this but have a mental block i think it's Btritish.
Hi Ozmarty...any flashes of remembering? I would appreciate it! Thanks!
I'm pretty sure this isn't Fenton. Fenton made some similar to this one but it was of a swan...
I found quite a few on e-bay when I typed in 'Bird glass bowl'. Now just because others have marked it with a designer name doesn't mean that it is that of which they say. You see that a lot, people branding it as something it's not. I believe it is probably depression glass. If you search the completed listing you can get an idea of it's worth in today's market. Good luck! Below is an example.
Awesome! Thank you Mr303! Honestly I need to work on my search word skills. I agree, a lot of folk do try to up sell there items by branding it. Sometimes I find it funny, but it does really fool people which is not cool. Thanks again!
I believe these were made by Dugan/Diamond glass.I've usually seen them listed as Fenton.Fenton made a similar one with swan handles.
Thanks Everyone!
Hedge walker, this was totally a case of me putting the wrong search words in initially. (mental moment). You are right it doesn't have that Fenton feel at all to me. I will tug on the Dugan/Diamond thread. Thanks for the tip!
Thats very cool....Did you figure out if it was Westmoreland?