Posted 6 years ago
(5053 items)
This puma is over 3 ft long and kind of hard to photograph on my narrow balcony. It's made of leather stretched over some kind of frame. it feels like it has some age to it, but i don't know. does anyone else have any ideas about when / where he was made. he's very muscular and scarey looking.
Super panther, he's so lifelike and love the prowling stance
thanks Newfld and Broochman. i wish i could find some info about this. i wonder when it was made?
Cool Black Panther! There are a number of similar items listed on eBay - but not quite that large. Most are paper mache with leather covering. You should be able to find some hints and go from there.
Also, always helps to note measurements and weight. Does it feel hollow or solid?