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Very Rare 14 K Golden Brooch with Micro Mosaic figure and hanging 14 K Gold Carved carnelian cachet

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Micro Mosaic Jewelry36 of 220Micro Mosaic antique Flower basket Brooch set in 14 k Antique micromosaic vermeil pendant, KYRATISED!
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (762 items)

    The undersigned was again in the happy circumstances to acquire one of my most beautiful and valuable Micro Mosaic jewelry. Of course again a wonderful addition to my Antique Micro Mosaic jewelry collection.
    Very old (around 1815/1830) special yellow gold brooch, 585/000, with a beautiful mosaic design and a hanging cachet with carved carnelian. Brooch with carved edge in Biedermeier style set with a rectangular representation made of mosaic with the representation of a lady with bird on her hand. At the bottom of the brooch hangs a loose yellow gold cachet with carved carnelian man's portrait (Roman's soldier?) 69x38 mm. ca 15.3 grams. small piece missing in the edge of blue stone. Furthermore in very good condition.

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    1. Mrstyndall Mrstyndall, 6 years ago
      That is a little masterpiece!
    2. Agram.m Agram.m, 6 years ago
      fortapache, raven3766 and AdeleC thanks for your love.
    3. Agram.m Agram.m, 6 years ago
      Mrstyndall thanks for your love and compliment and of course I agree!
    4. Agram.m Agram.m, 6 years ago
      Ben, thank you so much for love. A long time ago we haven spoken each other.
    5. Ben Ben, 6 years ago
      Yes, it has been a while, but I am grateful that I at least get to see your new posts! Best, Ben
    6. Agram.m Agram.m, 6 years ago
      Ben, thanks for your nice comment. Indeed a long time, but I was very ill so that's the reason I wasn't at Collectors for so long. But you see I'm there again with this wonderful antique jewelry.
      In the meanwhile I visited a 250 year old Cast Iron factory with museum where, among other things, Antique Berlin iron jewelry was made. Maybe an idea to write an article about this? Interesting for the collectors who are interest and visit Europe>
    7. Agram.m Agram.m, 6 years ago
      valentino97 thanks for your nice remark, admiration for this brooch and compliment.
    8. Alan2310 Alan2310, 6 years ago
      This is such a wonderful micro mosaic piece and the condition is museum quality.
      Congratulations on this new addition to your collection that is already outstanding.
      Happy to hear that you feel better, good to see you back.
    9. Agram.m Agram.m, 6 years ago
      Alan2310 thanks for your very nice comment and compliment, i appreciate!
    10. kyratango kyratango, 6 years ago
      Wonderful to see you back Marga, and to know you feel better!
      Such a superb micromosaic, and the seal complement it very well, a nice post as usual!
    11. Agram.m Agram.m, 6 years ago
      Kyra, nice to "hear"from you again. Thanks for your very nice compliment. How are you?
    12. Hel1 Hel1, 6 years ago
      What a beautiful brooch, really a masterpiece.
      Glad to read you are feeling better.

      Groetjes uit Nederland, Heleen
    13. Agram.m Agram.m, 6 years ago
      Hel1 also nice to hear from you and thanks for love and very nice comment. Jij ook de groetjes. Leuk vanuit ons land ook tot deze community te behoren!
    14. Agram.m Agram.m, 6 years ago
      Brunswick a little late but also for you a big hugh for your very nice compliment and wishes.
    15. Agram.m Agram.m, 6 years ago
      themuse, dlpetersen, plein-air-painter, Broochman, Mariecollectorholic,
      Watchsearcher, aura, vetraio50 Thank you all for your interest and love!
    16. Agram.m Agram.m, 6 years ago
      Gilian thanks for love and attention
    17. Agram.m Agram.m, 6 years ago
      Ms.CrystalShip of course that would be fantastic and probably very interesting. But I have no idea who could help me with this. Anyway thanks for your interest and love.

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