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Glass Basket - Pink - Ruffled - 7 3/4"

In Art Glass > Show & Tell and Furniture > Baskets > Show & Tell.
BHIFOS's loves2023 of 4973BEEHIVE BUD VASE ~ CUT GLASS ~ IRIDESCENT ~ 3 5/8" TALLHand-Blown Blue Iridescent Art Glass Tumbler/Drink Glass with Pulled Feather Decore E H mark for "Elaine Hyde Glass"
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (308 items)

    This might be the nicest piece of Chinese I've ever come across. Due to it's advanced craftsmanship, I'm not entirely convinced as to it's origins. It has Spatter throughout. Murrines as well. the handle is clear and has Latticino and is consistantly bumpy throughout it's length. This basket has no foot, and the bottom has the classic dimple. I guess I'm just looking for confirmation that it's Chinese. Nevertheless, I still felt it was a cool piece of glass to show on the forum.

    7 3/4" Tall
    9 1/2 Across
    2 1/2" Base

    Thanks for stopping by.

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    1. Mrstyndall Mrstyndall, 6 years ago
      Wow, that is a lovely basket!
    2. Deano Deano, 6 years ago
      Feeling the "Love it" clicks from Fortapache, Blunderbuss, Vetraio, Watchsearcher, Justanovice, Mrstyndall, Hunterglee, Brunswick, TrudiCakes, Aura and Trey. My thanks to you all. Thanks for looking at this one.
    3. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 6 years ago
      This is nice. Does it have an amberina handle? Every time I see ruffles I always think Fenton. Good thing I don't buy glass that often right? haha
    4. Deano Deano, 6 years ago
      Hey Shareurpassion. The handle isn't Amberina. It kinda looks that way because there is a disconnected Latticino inside the handle glass, so that throws the clarity of the glass off. Thanks for checking it out. Dean.
    5. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 1 year ago

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