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My Smalls - Art Glass Pieces Early 20th European Products, & Czech Spiraloptish Decor

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Art Glass5006 of 23512Loetz Olympia optisch with silver overlayWelz Umbrella shapes - Confetti decor
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (369 items)

    'Smalls' is an auction term, one that the internet bidders enjoy seeing. They usually represent nice small decorative pieces, the medium does not matter, and not so small that it should be described as a miniature.

    My Czech glass grouping have been accumulated for over 5 years, some are utilitarian such as perfume or bath salt bottles, or liquor set, or pretty cabinet or curio types of pleasant art glass items, or dining table accessories.

    Time frame is 1900-1940 or so.


    P.S. Oct 4th 2019
    I have removed all mention of my favorite detractor off my site. Decision is to now join the 'it is not worth the time and effort' crowd. In the meantime, since site was re-published today, my navigation site bar has been shut down by? So it will take some time to redo and make all the pages available again.

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    1. truthordare truthordare, 6 years ago
      thank you for the loves my friends and CW members. Always appreciated.
    2. Alan2310 Alan2310, 6 years ago
      You sure do remember this little one, this will nicely fit in this gorgeous grouping.
    3. truthordare truthordare, 6 years ago
      thank you Alan, that was nice to remind me of your post.
    4. truthordare truthordare, 5 years ago
      Funny, a small group of people have a huge problem with the Welz research and collector beliefs. Could be a huge group of people who have a small problem with the Welz attributions, but not enough to create an issue about it.

      As far as the spiraloptich decor seen here ( I also own one of these, see front of image), the study has been going on for years now, with no resolution either way it seems. I guess that means, it could be either glass producers, perhaps time will reveal more.

      Of course I believe it is Kralik, in their semi translucent cranberry glass with molded decor, which also includes many others such as martele, draped, honeycomb, veined, etc, decors chosen in several other Kralik decorative colors of early 20th century, such as green, amber, clear, white, and cobalt glass.
    5. truthordare truthordare, 5 years ago
      Celebrate with your favorite glass and make a CW festival out of it, that is what this site is about. For me it's always about the glass first, attributions come second. Always, I find there is none equal to Czech glass pieces, pre and post WWII.

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