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Mazer Triple Acorns Jelly Belly Fur Clip with Rhinestones

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    Posted 6 years ago

    (157 items)

    Hi, I just am awed by the fabulous collections that the members post here. In thinking about what do I collect, I realized that one thing I collect is old fur/dress clips. I can't really say it is the focus of my collecting because I just love old jewelry and would collect everything I see if I could. This piece was found at a legendary charity shop where I live. It was occasionally featured in the newspaper because the reporter discovered that the donors were predominately the shoppers and that they mostly lived in the toniest zip code in the county. There must have been a connection of the leadership to retail because they often had very high end things like Chanel suits and unworn Ferragamo shoes and purses, etc. Old costume jewelry didn't garner much attention from the pricing committee as they were much more focused on 'real' jewelry. I found this clip, marked Mazer, at this storied shop years ago. Sad to say, the leadership decided to open another store, remodel their old very well situated location, and raise prices. That did not have the effect they wanted, so the whole enterprise was closed. It was fun while it lasted and I found tons of wonderful pieces there.

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    1. Mrstyndall Mrstyndall, 6 years ago
      Such a lovely piece!
    2. plein-air-painter plein-air-painter, 6 years ago
      Hello Elieen, Mrstynall, Broochman, Fortapache, valentino97 and hunterqlee, Thanks for the love and comments. I didn't know about this site until recently. so didn't know about you fabulous collectors.
      Yes, I think the acorns are Lucite.
      Best, Maureen
    3. plein-air-painter plein-air-painter, 6 years ago
      Aww, thanks Eileen. I love the hunt and have had some lucky finds. It is fun to see your awesome collection, too. You and other members post fabulous items.
    4. Elisabethan Elisabethan, 4 years ago
      Oh my this furclip is the very best. So beautiful! I am surpriced it is lucite. I would have guessed glass. It is so very beautiful! Would love to see more of your collection here.

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