Posted 14 years ago
(1 item)
Anybody have any ideas of value ?? I found them in an antique mall in Decatur Illinois. I cannot tell the material they are made of....please imprinted on bottom is[ 3110 W.R Mfg, pat. march 29 1927]...
I couldn't be sure without seeing the bottom of them, but I have a set very much like these and they are plated silver
I just added the best pic I could get of the bottom...
i'm not sure about it either but i have the exact same set i thought they were silver but maybe just plated but it reads w.b. mfg co not w.r. but other than that markings are the same 3110 march 29 1927
The mark is W. B. Mfg. Co. which stands for Weidlich Brothers. The shakers are silver plated and they go for around ten dollars.