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1928 Indian Princess Sidecar

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (1 item)

    This is an Original 1928 Princess Sidecar MC# 12168. It is mounted on "C" springs and was designed to be mounted on a Indian Scout 101 but has been mounted on a 40'-53 Chief. The wheel size is 500x16 with a brake unit on frame. I am just wondering if anyone has any more information to offer on this and if it is a 1928 Sidecar and what should I look for? Thank you very much and look forward to hearing from everyone.


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    1. Jim & Karen Francis, 14 years ago
      16 inch drop center rims were not used till 1940. clincher rims were used up to 29 on the bikes. frame is defnitely indian, but have yet to find a pix of the body in the books, maybe a goulding body? Still neat rig. I have a 36 princess car and is quite a bit different body. Springs are different but frame is almost identical
    2. Jim & Karen Francis, 14 years ago
      check out l@w body for photos of the princess body it is defnitely different than this one
    3. shari , 14 years ago
      Check the goulding website. My uncle use to ride with Dot Goulding.

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