Posted 6 years ago
(5053 items)
i found this bowl yesterday. it has three reticulated windows in it, so i guess it is considered a basket. there's a small chip in the rim, but i think it's a really good candidate for kintsugi. can you tell me anything else about this piece? thank you!
Looks like a clear cut case of Traumatic Reticulitis.
In severely affected cases, particularly those with pericarditis, animals should be humanely slaughtered as soon as possible as treatment will almost certainly be ineffective.
Injections of anti-inflammatories can significantly improve cow well being and help to restore the cow to normal production more quickly.
Hope this helps and wish you both the best outcome.
Hmm. Reticular ridicule !!! It looks like a case with a great outcome.
Careful flhrjr2! Reticular retribution can be pretty tricky!
Correct but it is seldom fatal.....more a pain in the posterior portion for a bit.
Just back from a 3 day trip. Love this pottery Japanese piece, very unusual too. Don't recognize the mark, but I think definitely older, perhaps with a 'tea dust' brown glaze, with the three open motif decorations. How big is it? Early 20th?
Thanks for posting.