Posted 6 years ago
(6 items)
mystery item is 80mm long x 2/12 mm wide ,made of copper and inside an other item slides out that has 6 prongs I have no idea what the item is or what it may be used for .Hoping someone may know what it is . Thanking You GREG
Maybe a smoking pipe stem cleaner ? IUD ? I better stop my imagination before I get banned !
That's a though one...where did you find it? BB...I loled of the IUD are the man...
got in a box of bits decseased estate
In times of old, when knights were (whatever) & cannon were cast iron & prone to cracks, a thing called a "cat" was used to search for cracks in the bores. They were a designed exactly like this, but longer. I think this was used for a similar task on a smaller scale. Finding defects. Do you bean drill "bits"?