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Iron Berlin Cameo depicting Homer made an intaglio by G.B. Pichler set in 14K

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    Posted 6 years ago

    (762 items)

    Because I am already viewing and inventorying all my antique jewelry, I have decided to change one of my Iron Berlin detailed plaques into a pendant. This fine cast iron cameo, depicting the famous writer HOMER made to an intaglio by G.B. Pichler set in 14K yellow and white gold.
    Because I have been a widow for some time now I have decided to use my own wedding ring for this purpose so it has been changed into this beautiful antique piece of jewelry.
    On this cameo is, as one of the photos (number 3) shows the text:PICHLER !!

    Mystery Solved
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    1. Agram.m Agram.m, 6 years ago
      kwqd thanks for looking and loving.
    2. kyratango kyratango, 6 years ago
      What a good idea and a great result, the piece is perfect in the contrasting gold mount!
      For the writing, I can't see all the letters well, but I think it is Greek alphabet, first beeing a pi.
      Perhaps a Greek philosoph or scientist...
    3. ho2cultcha ho2cultcha, 6 years ago
      very nice work! i wonder who the bushy-beard mystery man is?!
    4. Agram.m Agram.m, 6 years ago
      Hi Kyra, thanks for your idea and compliment. Tomorrow I go lloking for some statues of Greek philosophs to see if there is some similarity.
    5. Agram.m Agram.m, 6 years ago
      ho2cultcha thank you too for your love and answer. I hope to give an answer on your question too.
    6. Agram.m Agram.m, 6 years ago
      Hel1 thanks for loving.
    7. Agram.m Agram.m, 6 years ago
      Aura thanks for attention and love.
    8. Agram.m Agram.m, 6 years ago
      velentino97 It is quite possible that you are right. If I look at the images of him there is certainly similarity. Thanks in any case for thinking along and loving.
    9. Agram.m Agram.m, 6 years ago
      valentino97 what a very nice compliment, thank you!
    10. Agram.m Agram.m, 6 years ago
      Watchsearcher thanks for love
    11. cameosleuth cameosleuth, 6 years ago
      The subject is the poet Homer. This particular one was taken from a cast of the intaglio by Giovanni Pichler.

      I have a cameo ring with a shank someone had cobbled together from three wedding bands and an intaglio ring I think may be the head from a stickpin with a shank made from a wedding band + a supplemental strip of gold. I'm rather fond of pieces someone has cared about enough to refashion so they can continue to be worn.
    12. Agram.m Agram.m, 6 years ago
      cameosleuth thank you for your fantastic solution to this mystery. It's great that I now know who is depicted on this cameo. I am very happy with it!
      Perhaps I may also ask you to take a look at the two most right cast iron cameoa right under each other the right site of this image you can see via this link on CW: and perhaps you can also tell me who this could be?
    13. cameosleuth cameosleuth, 6 years ago
      See I gave you my thoughts/observations a while back, including the ID of this guy as Homer, although could not see the Pichler signature then. Reviewing, mcheconi gave excellent guidance. I still agree that the gent in the upper right is Zeus/Jupiter & now agree that the lady standing with a mirror is the allegorical figure of Prudence. (You would think Vanity, but the mirror in this case indicates self knowledge.)

      Afraid the lady shown alone & at the bottom right of the group is still a mystery. Suspect she is a Roman empress, & historical figures are not my forte. :)

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