Posted 6 years ago
(38 items)
Years ago I had quite a few Iva Lure plates. I gave all of them away except this one which I considered to be not normal. They aren't terribly valuable but this one is so bad it made me start searching which hasn't gone well as it applies to my questions.
As you can see in the photos the plate is not at all round, it also has a dimple in the rim which the gold trim was applied right over. The design is so out of center it actually goes up the raised side. Next thing I found a bit odd is the artist signed the front of the plate. None of my other plates were signed and I haven't found any that are signed online.
What I have been curious about is pretty simple but not easy to find the answer. I wonder if reject plates might have been given to artists wanting to submit a design to see if it would produce a line of china in their pattern?
Perhaps there is a plate collector here who holds the answer.
Any input, good or bad appreciated.
Brunswick been using that site for years. They have very little Iva Lure. I suspect they don't go after it because they prefer to stock high dollar stuff. They will pay you $3 and sell for $85. It is a good site to research patterns though.