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WW2 style plane brooch

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    Posted 6 years ago

    (1491 items)

    This 1 1-2"L vintage propeller type plane brooch is styled like a WW2 plane, with a 2" wingspan, no moving parts but lovely goldtone textured design & ruby red rhinestones, unmarked.
    Happy Memorial Day weekend esp to all veterans, military & their families

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    1. LaurenRedmond LaurenRedmond, 6 years ago
      This is a really cool brooch, it somehow happen to be pretty and feminine and at the same time quiet strong and masculine too- it really captures the look of most WW2 planes, spitfires and the like I think?
      I've never been to an aerial show featuring these planes even though they have them on a yearly basis near where I live and they always look so fascinating and entertaining! Anyway, very nice and quiet different piece here I think! :)
    2. Mrstyndall Mrstyndall, 6 years ago
      How timely for Memorial Day! Nice piece
    3. Newfld Newfld, 6 years ago
      Many thanks for the kind love

      Thank you Lauren for the wonderful praise, war planes are so exciting and we did attend one show where people were allowed to climb inside one for a look (with ladders, no monkey swinging up like the GI's did it lol) but line was too long but we had to pass. Did see an aerial show of the classic planes last yr, very cool! Glad you enjoyed this plane

      Thanks MrsT for the kind comment, I thought it was a good Memorial Day choice, but have so many others that are currently packed away which I will post another time

      Lol Thomas, a rhinestone plane would certainly qualify for Fantasy Island, I used to love that show! Thank you for for my morning smile :)

      Ken, appreciate the comment, trust T to always have the greatest quotes and make us laugh, I needed it too!

      Eileen thank you so much for the fab words & compliments, I do try to honor the military in even a small fashion on holidays as I too had family who served & are no longer with us but they did return home from the wars, so I appreciate your kind thoughts & glad you liked this little plane
    4. Newfld Newfld, 6 years ago
      Thank you Neil for the thoughtful love it is warmly appreciated & very glad you enjoyed this plane
    5. Newfld Newfld, 6 years ago
      Sincere thanks for the thoughtful love
    6. Roycroftbooksfromme1, 6 years ago
      oooooo we could put some led lights in back ...smiling ... cool plane ...later
    7. Newfld Newfld, 6 years ago
      Lol Roycroft, sounds like a plan, we'll get it off the ground!! Thank you for the smile and the love

      Many thanks for the love
    8. Newfld Newfld, 5 years ago
      Thank you so much Hoot for the love, I'm really glad you enjoyed this WW2 style plane brooch I thought it was pretty cool
    9. Newfld Newfld, 5 years ago
      Many thanks Lori for the thoughtful love, very pleased you enjoyed this WW2 type plane
    10. Newfld Newfld, 3 years ago
      Thanks ttomtucker and vcal for the love for this little WW2 plane brooch, very glad you liked it & always appreciate the kindness
    11. Newfld Newfld, 9 months ago
      Thanks Giana & rgrebov for the love for this vintage airplane, glad you both liked it and always appreciate your thoughtfulness

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