Posted 6 years ago
(945 items)
We have had this beautiful 1930s Deco Art Neon Diner sign for a year but couldn't find the right place to display it until yesterday. This part of the sign is 12' tall and still lacks the top part which is about 3' tall but wouldn't fit on the pole. I need a 16' building to put it on but all our space on the buildings is Already taken so will have to wait till we build the new Lakeside Museum Event Center. Until then we will display it on the Spur gas pole and hope people enjoy it like we do.
The coals are hot and ready for the steaks and dogs! Cheap gas to go with it.
You HAVE to get neon on that puppy! Awesome sign!
We have a lot of cool neon signs but none with neon as it attracts the bugs in the nice months and bugs attract spiders and spiders make webs and webs are a nightmare to clean up weekly. Free Museums have to reduce expenses/overhead so we can keep growing the museum.
Thx for loving it