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Vintage Money Clip?

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Costume Jewelry2627 of 9534Victorian Inspired 1940s Trifari Rose Fur Clip with long dangles.My Coro piece
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (9 items)

    This was in a box of my grandmothers costume jewelry. I have no clue what it is, it looks like a money clip. very neat piece.

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    1. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 6 years ago
      My thoughts about this lovely item:

      When closed, the 2 sides do not come near each other so how many bills would it take to make a “wad” thick enough to be held snugly in this clip?

      The little chain would not be reliable to hold anything of value (such as money) if you were to use the chain to secure the clip to anything.

      As ornate as the clip itself is, I doubt anyone would want to dangle a trinket on the chain so I think the chain was used to hold the clip to something such as a purse strap.

      Rather than a money clip, this clip may have been for securing ladies’ dress gloves to a purse strap.
      If you have access to a pair of ladies’ dress gloves
      (such as lace or silky fabric), try them to see if they will fit in this clip.

      I hope this idea helps in your research of this clip’s purpose. :-)
    2. Sarahinish, 6 years ago
      I do have more pieces, I will post them this week. The description for maybe holding gloves would probably work as well. Someone thought hair clip but I don't think it would have the chain on it. Maybe like you said, attach to a purse to carry something. I will check it out, thank you!
    3. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 6 years ago
      I had another thought about it’s use:
      Ladies used to wear a silky head scarf to keep their hair neat when they went outside.
      It was an essential part of my grandmother’s attire from my earliest memory of her back in the 1950s and ‘60s. Even my mother wore one; it was the style of the time.
      She folded the scarf into a triangle, put it over her hair and tied a knot under her chin before going outside.
      I’ve seen recently made photos of Queen Elizabeth wearing a head scarf like that so I’m sure it’s still in vogue in places.

      But what was a lady to do with the scarf what she reached her destination? I suppose you could roll it up and put it in your coat pocket or purse, however, it would be wrinkled by doing that.

      A lovely clip such as that could hold a scarf neatly.
      The chain could hold the scarf to the purse handle or to a coat hanger hook.

      It’s made beautifully to be part of a lady’s fashion statement so I don’t believe it was meant to be out of sight in a purse holding money.
    4. Sarahinish, 6 years ago
      That is very possible. I can see it being used for that. Good ideas. I agree that it is not a money clip, someone had thrown that isea at me but I agree the open space is too large. That would be quite a roll of cash and then what, swinging off the belt? Haha.
    5. Sarahinish, 6 years ago
      That is very possible. I can see it being used for that. Good ideas. I agree that it is not a money clip, someone had thrown that isea at me but I agree the open space is too large. That would be quite a roll of cash and then what, swinging off the belt? Haha.

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