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Whimsical Cat Bookends - Any Ideas?

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    Posted 6 years ago

    (84 items)

    Greetings - I acquired this pair of whimsical cat bookends several years ago at an area estate sale and find them both delightful and mysterious. The style somehow reminds me of the 30's - but can't pinpoint further. I don't know what material was used to craft but it appears to be some sort of resin. In case not evident in the photos, the pattern is etched/incised and highlighted with black ink/stain. A final clue, an old price is hand written on the bottom - 3.93 - based on the manner in which the numbers are written likely American though no $ sign. Would love to learn more about these - welcome any/all comments!

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    1. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 6 years ago
      Will you please post a picture of the bottom?
    2. finders9, 6 years ago
      New photo added!
    3. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 6 years ago
      3.93 is a thrift store manner of pricing which was explained to me when I inquired about how odd it seemed.

      Here’s the explanation:
      Pricing is written with a wax marker which does not wipe off easily. However, in case the dollar figure or the last cent figure should get smeared or obliterated, the cashier will be able to determine the price because the first digit and the last digit are always the same.

      So just by the price numbers on the bottom, it’s apparent they were priced at a thrift store.
      The stores do not bother with writing a dollar sign.
    4. finders9, 6 years ago
      fascinating! thanks
    5. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 6 years ago
      One other thing:
      The style of these cats reminds me of work done by an American artist, Laurel Burch
      (1945-2007). She did lots of artwork in the late 1960s.
      I have a cute purse she designed with similarly shaped cats, but with lots of color.
      Your cats remind me very much of her work.
      Try looking up her work online and see what you think.
      Hope this leads to answers for you! :-)
    6. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 6 years ago
      Watchsearcher! Great info. I didn't realize that either. They def look like mid century to me too. A very nice set.
    7. finders9, 6 years ago
      Thanks for the lead to Laurel Burch - definitely see the similarity! I love her work as well.
    8. finders9, 6 years ago
      Hurrah! Partial sucess - my bookends represent the Russian Cat of Kazan - If you just google you will see. Here is one such link

      Hope this comes through. Of course I still don't know origin and would love to know what sort of material was used.
    9. Watchsearcher Watchsearcher, 6 years ago
      Oh my goodness, that is incredible info!
      Now I wonder if the cats on my Laurel Burch purse were inspired by the Kazan cat.

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