Posted 6 years ago
(1 item)
Can anybody tell me what kind of truck this is? I found it amongst my deceased father-in-law's collection of miscellaneous items.
It would appear that a child painted or repainted it (the pinkish picture is just bad lighting.)
The only identifying mark I've found is NO.465 printed beneath the rear bumper.
BTW, for some reason my photos loaded upside down and I was unable to edit. Sorry!
This is from the site FAQ's. If you do as it says all will work fine.
. After the shoot, be sure to rotate your photos if needed so they appear right-side up. Images shot with a smartphone or tablet sometimes do not appear properly rotated on our site, so you may want to download photos to your computer first and then rotate them using your computer’s photo-editing software before uploading.
What it doesn't say that it should is that you need to save to properly rotated picture before posting. If you don't save it then the rotation will not take hold. Hope this helps.
It looks like a Hubley #465 Hook & Ladder Fire Truck. Is it about 8 1/2" long? The #465 was cataloged from '55-'58 with aluminum ladders and in '62 with plastic ladders. It was red originally.
I would have no doubt this was made from a Hubley mold but it isn't a Hubley, it is a kiddytoy who produced these from just after WWII into the late 50's. The same item number was used but the Hubley stamp on the center of the underside in a rectangle was eliminated. Hubley made this move from cast to try and compete with TootsieToy.
Hubley called there line of toys "Kiddie Toys" from around '51 up to about '59, they might not have put Hubley on all of them. I have several Kiddie Toys and they're all Hubleys. I doubt very seriously if Hubley would let somebody else use the name Kiddy/Kiddie Toy and use there molds at the same time. I'll guarantee you that is a Hubley. That's the Hubley product number. Kiddie Toy was only a marketing name for Hubley.
Toyrebel is 100 percent correct.
My references for this info from the Schiffer Hubley Catalogs 1946-1965 and The Schiffer Hubley Toy Vehicles 1946-1965 both by Steve Butler. Where did you get the Kiddy Toy separate company info from? I've got at least 50 Hubley/Kiddie toys from 1948 to 1965 also. Hubley changed to a "H" design logo within a square in 1960 with a small triangle piercing the "H" maybe that's what you're refering to. Just go look up Hubley Toys on Wikipedia it references the Kiddie Toy era.
Thanks Bucket, will you attest to the fact I know a little about Hubley's?
Oh yes....passionately so.....:)
Well folks I gave up collecting Hubley 25 years ago. If you insist this is a Hubley then go for it. Hubley did not lend their molds they sold them but not the Hubley name. Therefore the item number was allowed but not the Hubley name and without the name it simply isn't a Hubley. If you want to call it an original Hubley fine with me, I only bought Hubley with the Hubley or Fish-Hubley marks so there was never a doubt. Thanks for posting it anyway.
I wonder why The name Hubley is included on this tow truck’s original box in the second picture....weird...
buckethead what does that post have to do with this item 465? You reference totally different items. Additionally the link you posted is for a die cast item which predates Hubley selling off molds.
Not all Hubley's are marked Hubley or Kiddie Toy, sometimes have a #, sometimes don't but they're made by Hubley. The #500 '48 GMC truck cab first made in '48 doesn't have anything on numbers, no name, no nothing, it's a Hubley nonetheless. The only molds I know that were sold were when Gabriel after buying Hubley, and then closing down Hubley in '76 were sold to Ertl. They were various tractor molds(Fords) and the #495 airplane mold.
Oh my bad....I was stuck on the Kiddy Toy reference...sorry....I’ll just shut up and learn now....
Toyrebel The Hubley archives are no longer available to the public like the were years ago. Hubley actually started selling their molds in 1948. The war efforts of the previous years took it's toll on available material. When others made the change to other materials, Hubley hesitated and it eventually ruined him. Kiddytoy was set up as a subsidiary or dummy company with a different name. Once established the Hubley name and mark were removed and only an item number remained if that. The train of thought was if one company failed the other might survive. A piece made with a Hubley mold IS NOT a Hubley it is simply made from a Hubley mold. There is a few hundred dollars difference in the same item.
I've never heard that in my life. How about giving a reference to this info. Wikipedia states that Kiddie Toy( not Kiddy) was a name Hubley used. I've got probably 20 different toys with Hubley Kiddie Toy on them. In fact I will post several of them while you read the Wikipedia article on Hubley Manufacturing Company.
I don't need to read your wiki. It was simply a typo on my part in the spelling. I also don't need your pictures. Kiddie was certainly a company derived by Hubley. The point you are missing is separating the dates of manufacture and the changes of names, which took five or six years. I will leave it to what you have heard in your life and wish you well.
Please refer to the pics I just posted on show and tell
Our discussion has ended. You rely on what "you heard in your life", as opposed to fact. My voice is falling on deaf ears attached to a know it all head. I none the less appreciate your opinion and wish you well. Good luck.
What I've heard? I beg to politely differ. I posted all the references that can be read to verify what I stated. I don't believe you have posted one reference. It's a Hubley Kiddie Toy, I stand by that.