Posted 6 years ago
(172 items)
Pick this up today on a garage sale at a garage sale anyone know anything about it kind of a cool item thought I'd see if anybody knew any history on it looks to me like it could be a drug store counter display or something like it dispenser
This is a very cool piece! I haven't seen one of these before. People that love the Gillette Razors will love this! If I remember correctly, Gillette has a pretty informative site. Just google vintage Gillette razors and look for the accessories.
Appears to be like this one, circa 1930.
Well that's great searching I searched all day couldn't find anything like it thanks for your help guys I will check out that Gillette site
dgirardin, here is an item Smith & Wesson (yes, the gun manufactures) made to sharpen your razor blades. They were called "Blade Savers".
Love reading the history of old stuff like that thanks