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Patriotic Flag Jewelry Happy 4th of Jewelry Trifari, Carolee, Eisenberg, Monet

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    Posted 6 years ago

    (157 items)

    In honor of the fourth I am posting my little collection of flag & patriotic symbols jewelry. The large flag on the left is signed Monet and Remember9-11-2001. The little eagle is signed with the Trifari patent number. The bow in the middle is signed Carolee. The Eisenberg is the small flag on the bottom right, also probably dating from 2001. The bow on the upper right looks exactly like the one on the website that is signed Trifari, but this one is not signed.
    Happy 4th!

    Costume Brooches
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    1. Newfld Newfld, 6 years ago
      Lovely patriotic collection, have a wonderful Fourth!
    2. Toyrebel Toyrebel, 6 years ago
      Perfect post for Independence day. Happy 4th to you all!
    3. plein-air-painter plein-air-painter, 6 years ago
      Hi Newfld and Toyrebel, Thanks for the Happy 4th appreciative comments.

      Eileen, Ha! Love your posts. I don't see anyone wearing brooches anywhere. I do wear them occasionally and used to every day when I was working. So glad you do. I should follow your example. Somehow, given my current life, the things I like seem a bit formal. But I will wear one this afternoon. Although I notice the Queen wears a brooch on all her outings. Pins and brooches will come back and we'll be ready!

      I posted a second picture of the Carolee brooch on a page from the Cartier book from the library. Surprising how close to the Cartier design Carolee came.

      Thanks EJW-54, purvis, Mrstyndall, Broochman, clockerman, Manikin, and Brunswick for the loves. So glad you're here.
    4. plein-air-painter plein-air-painter, 6 years ago
      Hi Valentino97, Love your spirit. Of course, everyone does have their nose in their phone. So true and funny.

      And thanks to collectors
      for the loves. Hope you had a fabulous 4th.
    5. Bwinterb, 5 years ago
      Hi- I’ve just started my collection of vintage patriotic jewelry as well. I’m wondering if you know of any books or websites that can help to identify the time period these items are from? Love your pieces- I’m now on the hunt for a few.
      Than you
    6. plein-air-painter plein-air-painter, 8 months ago
      There is a book Star spangled Jewelry with patriotic jewelry, but lots of costume jewelry also include some patriotic jewels. Good luck on your search.

      Happy 4th of July!!

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