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the CHANDELIER (now) in my CARPORT! (a.k.a. the 'after pics')

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Hanging Lamps99 of 799Vintage Harmony house lamp fixtureGINORMOUS brass 6-light chandelier project, the BEFORE pics
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (1778 items)


    For the story behind this huge brass light fixture. Taking advantage of the day off today, I spent a few hours outside and DID indeed manage to get it hung up and lit up -- so here's the as-promised "AFTER" pics?!! :-) :-) :-) I actually wired it to a cord that runs one way and plugs into my existing carport lights (which have various sensors attached to control them automatically) and a 2nd cord going over to the wall and ending in a dimmer switch, so I can independently control it. (read: leave it actually turned off most of the time probably, and dimmed down halfway or so when turned on, as in the 3rd pic)

    Since that first showing, I did indeed tighten its arms all back up and closely examine its sockets and wiring for safety. As is also probably pretty obvious -- I ended up choosing to leave its arms (mostly) in their randomly bent up condition. I kinda think I *like it* that way for some silly reason...?? <lol> Currently with 25w 'decorative incandescent' bulbs in it, I still need to experiment with little individual shades on each one -- I do have a couple piles of those somewhere around here too, just gotta find 'em and get the ladder out again...?? ;-) :-)

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    1. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 6 years ago
      THANKS SO KINDLY to Vynil33rpm, bobby725, fortapache, Newfld, & jscott0363 for your quick <love it>s!!

      HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY, everybody!! :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
    2. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 6 years ago
      MORE THANKS to blunderbuss2, Brunswick, Manikin, & buckethead for stopping by! I'm happy all y'all can appreciate my funky (zany?) bent-up brass light!!
      :-) :-) :-) :-)

    3. Yoserian Yoserian, 5 years ago
      Very sputnik.. its cool..
    4. AnythingObscure AnythingObscure, 5 years ago
      Thank you so kindly Yoserian! :-) :-) :-) I've been enjoying the silly thing ever since I hung it up...turns out with its little incandescent bulbs (which I already had a boxful of anyway, and when running on 'half dimmed' duty will prolly last a long time) the goofy thing actually **improved** the performance of all the various little automatic sensors that control the main floodlight fixture out there...since I got my house and changed its original (150w?) flood bulbs to LED equivalents, none of those had really behaved quite right. The little half-dimmed addition of those extra old-style bulbs re-added just enough electrical 'draw' to it to make all that work right again too?!! :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

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