Posted 6 years ago
(14 items)
The orange and flower brooches, I think they are Bakelite; not sure about the cameo. The cameo is signed Agrippa clips depose, maybe French Bakelite. The clip, I am not sure either. The orange maybe 30s. I am looking for Valentino expert knowledge; thank you. :)
Beautiful brooches Tigra, love the pretty colors and shapes
Tigra, these are awesome!
@newfld & mrstyndal thank you
@valentino97 thank you. Yes, a flea market run for a future Art Deco themed party. I liked the orange brooch because of the bright color, I thought will go great with my dark green dress. Then, I could not leave without getting them all. ;)
You did the right thing, never leave any bakelite at the shop if you can afford it :)
Individually charming, and collectively they make an intensely appealing display. So lovely.
these are beautiful!!