Posted 6 years ago
(5 items)
I have looked on the internet for answers to these and even asked some Army friends what they could be. I am coming up empty on answers. I might find things that are close on some, but I am really curious. My grandfather didn't talk much about his military time, but I wish now I would have asked to know him better. He was so modest.
I learned through Ancestry that my grandfather's uncle was in the military and is showing in the Navy and Marines records for WWI and WWII. I have not found his rank yet. For whatever reason he may have kept his uncle's pins, medals, and ribbons. Could any of these be associated with him?
I found what the first pin (Celeritas) is. I found a stein with this emblem on it. It also says 74th F.A.B.A on it. Here is what I found.