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Davidson Glass Pearline Small Compot - Lady Chippendale

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Vaseline Glass222 of 852French Baccarat? frosted green opaline uranium vases.Jeanette uranium glass Poinsettia jug.
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (497 items)

    I am visiting beautiful Vienna with my husband and have been looking forward to visiting the flea market that’s added on to the Nachtmarkt on a Saturday. It has rained nearly all day, but the flea market was great, and on the first stall I came to I spotted 2 pieces of yellow glass. I came away with this piece, which has turned out to be Davidson Glass, with a registration no 176566, which is the Lady Chippendale pattern. The other piece was a small pin dish or salt, which isn’t so interesting as this small elegant compot. There were some lovely pieces to be looked at, but the rain and husband didn’t allow me to get anything else! It glows beautifully, and it’s ironic I found this piece of English glass in Austria!

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