Posted 6 years ago
(1207 items)
Another GW find today. I forgot to measure them but guess they are about 3.5" high x 3.5" in diameter. Unmarked. The next time I pass by them, I will measure them. These threw me off. I thought that they were interesting, seemingly pretty delicate, handle-wise, for mass produced glass but I was still surprised when I turned them over and saw some pretty rough pontils, but with bottoms that look to be formed by a mold. Maybe blown into a mold and then handles applied? The handles look really similar, though. Not sure about these. The color looks like American glass. I tend to avoid glass mugs as my Karma seems to express itself by their survival rate, but these were too interesting to pass up. I guessed that when I searched for information about these, that I would find lots of data or no data at all. Guess which one it was!
Thanks for the mystery mug love!
Thanks SEAN68! Still not found any more of these...