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All items47287 of 24582819th Century Pennsylvania Hollow Plaster Dog (Poodle)Firemanjohn
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (3695 items)

    Chalmette obelisk ,,Battle of 1812 memorial
    Corner stone was laid in 1840
    Building begin in 1855
    Finished in 1908
    time to send this post
    the battle was fought 1/8/1815
    Andrew Jackson with help
    From Jean Lafitte’s pirates
    Glad they didn’t rob the bank
    Three weeks after the war ended
    News traveled slow
    New Orleanians hadn’t heard
    of this treaty signing


    1. Retrofutura Retrofutura, 6 years ago
      Cool calendar!
    2. TreasureTex TreasureTex, 5 years ago
      Really cool. My 4th Great Grandfather "Uncle" Charles Cronea joined Jean Lafitte in 1818 as his cabin boy. He was the last living pirate of Jean Lafitte's and they were able to interview him about those days and documented his experiences.

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