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Heisey by Dalzell Viking Glass flying mare

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Recent Activity20 of 59Coro Victor horse head set, Imperial (Heisey) Oscar the glass horse Heisey by Dalzell Viking Glass rabbit
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (1491 items)

    Here is the highlight of my glass animal collection, a 9"H x 12"W, six pound lavender ice glass flying mare sculpture, which was perhaps the crowning design by Royal Hickman for Heisey ca 1951-1952, then reissued for the Heisey Collectors of America (HCA) by Dalzell Viking in 1993-1994 in a limited edition in this lavender ice color, which bears the HCA imprint on its base in the clouds (seen in pic 4 closeup, apologies for excess light exposure).
    I never expected to acquire this large impressive horse for my collection as they are almost always priced in the thousands, but seeing it on auction at an affordable price was unbelievable, and I got really lucky to win it. Hope you enjoy this Hickman deco design masterpiece and happy to share it with you :)

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    1. jscott0363 jscott0363, 6 years ago
      Oh, what a wonderful addition to your collection!! Congrats on such an awesome find!
    2. Mrstyndall Mrstyndall, 6 years ago
      Congrats on such a lovely piece!! So much fun to get a deal!
    3. LaurenRedmond LaurenRedmond, 6 years ago
      Very nice horse here, and she's in a wonderful pose it reminds me of the decoration on the front of some sleek vintage car- she seem's to be really leaping forward as if over some precipice or some other wild rocky ledge, and is a really nice colour too!
    4. Newfld Newfld, 6 years ago
      Thank you everyone for the love for my special horse

      Scott thank you so much for the super compliments, I still can't believe that I own such an amazing piece, I held my breath when opening the pkge & was incredulous that such a heavy glass piece could arrive in the mail in perfect condition, whew!

      Thanks very much Ken for the warm compliments, if you're familiar with my recent glass animal posts, I'm rather enchanted with the retro Heisey designs especially those designed by Mr Hickman, what a talented man

      Appreciate the kind words MrsT, indeed it was a very sweet deal, happened to be a mid week day auction so not a lot of bidders, and the seller was an experienced antiques dealer so it was a very happy day when I won it - since moving is expensive I hadn't purchased any really fine glass animals in awhile, so this was very exciting for me

      Eileen I am truly grateful you are sincerely happy for me, I know that you know the feeling of scoring a "coup" you never expected to find! Yes it is such a powerful looking horse you would think a stallion, but Hickman had designed other horses so perhaps he felt the need to create a beautiful lady horse for a change (the curling mane does look quite feminine). Thank you for the really wonderful compliments

      Lauren thank you for the lovely words and yes I agree, could be a fancy car hood ornament (Mustang maybe), and also she does appear to be running or leaping at top speed! I really love the lavender color too, when Heisey gave their designs to other glass companies they chose this color in both clear and frosted versions (I have a bull in the frosted or satin lavender), and my favorite color is purple so this is particularly special to me :)
    5. racer4four racer4four, 6 years ago
      Wow Jenni, I am gobsmacked. I have never seen a piece remotely like this before. Congrats on your find!
      Purple - gotta love that.
    6. Newfld Newfld, 6 years ago
      Karen thank you for the fabulous praise, I am still stunned to have this amazing horsey in my collection, what a super lucky find it was. I've always loved these sleek animals too because I took riding lessons as a young teen, so have a lot of respect for horses as well. Light purple is a great glass color here, so happy you enjoyed this my friend, always grateful for your thoughtfulness
    7. Newfld Newfld, 6 years ago
      Thanks Bradinn for the super love and support it is greatly appreciated and most kind of you
    8. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 6 years ago
      This is just beautiful!!!
    9. Newfld Newfld, 6 years ago
      Thank you share for the very kind comment and love, so glad you enjoyed my flying lady horse :)
    10. Newfld Newfld, 5 years ago
      Thank you so much MrsT for the thoughtful love, very glad you enjoyed my favorite glass horse which is my prize find :)
    11. Newfld Newfld, 5 years ago
      Very grateful for the kind love Bruce, glad you liked my big Heisey mare, she is a beauty and so glad I was able to find & share this Hickman classic
    12. Newfld Newfld, 5 years ago
      Thanks MrsT for the thoughtful love, I am so glad you got to see my big heavy horse that I love so much
    13. Newfld Newfld, 3 years ago
      Thanks so very much vcal for the love for this Heisey-Viking glass horse, it is my pride & joy of all my animals and I'm thrilled you liked it as well as my others, very grateful to you :)
    14. Newfld Newfld, 3 years ago
      Many thanks BonaFide for the kind love for this Heisey horse design reissued by Viking, it is my very favorite glass horse because of its beauty & impressive size. Glad you liked it too!!

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