Posted 6 years ago
(10 items)
Passed down through the family. Trying to learn what the symbols on this ring mean. The story I got was this ring was sent by an officer to the surviving members of his unit. Inside the ring the officers initials and the soldiers name. The left side of the ring has the number 28 over crossed rifles with the letter B underneath and 4 hash marks. The right side of the ring has the year 1917 and 1919 with a standing lion on a shield between the years. Underneath that the letters AEF and 3 hash marks. The front of the ring has the number 1 on a shield. If anyone has any info on these symbols it would be appreciated
Thanks Pete
It's the 1st division, "Big Red One". I'm not that knowledgeable here, but feel sure others will fill you in.
It is specific down to the company. He was in B Company, 28th Infantry Regiment. The 28th Infantry is called the "Black Lions"-- the lion symbol.
I was in the 28th Infantry when I was active duty.
Beautiful ring & wonderful story, my maternal grandfather served in WW1 but nothing remains from his service days, so this is a great treasure for you
Thank you blunderbuss2 for the info.
Thank you scottvez. With the info you gave I was able to find a lot more online,
and thank you for your service