Posted 6 years ago
(436 items)
I knew when I found this Oil "Cigar Lighter" that the lids on the pillars were missing but I was hoping to find some replacements. I found out that it's not as easy as I thought. I'm not sure exactly what purpose these holders served....was it for matches, lighting materials, wicks? I haven't cleaned this 9" tall cigar lamp since it was found in the attic of a Victorian home in Nova Scotia, Canada. I would like to complete it but how do I go looking for those lids.
What an interesting item! I didn’t know such a thing exists.
Would anyone store a cigar or two in the pillars or would cigars be better kept in a humidor?
What you see in the fourth picture on the side tubes are handles of small torches. The tube had a little fluid in it and the torch was lit with the lamp and used to light the cigar. The torches can be found on ebay. Look for "cigar lamp lighter". Someone was selling repros.
Thanks slackjack, will look it up and show CW what I found. I’ve never had a cigar lighter before...lamps I know quite well. Thank you watchsearcher for the comments and love. Thank you fortapache for the love. RER
Nova Scotia,,.. got kin there.... smiling ...nice find
Thank you watchseaker, slackjack and Roycroftbooksfromme1 for the comments and love and thank you fortapache, AnythingObscure, blunderbuss2, jscott0363 and vetraio50 for the loves.Bob
Cool. The first one I've ever seen. There are still new things around every corner. Hope all is well. Thanks Bob.
Thanks Mark for the comments and love! Everything is great here in Ottawa-Rockland and my wife and I are enjoying ourselves. Bob