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1932 Coca Cola Porcelain sign, one sided 4' x 8' before and after....

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northwestrel…'s loves16 of 137Original 1930's Embossed "ODIN" 5 cent Cigar Tin SignPiedmont cigarette sign
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    Posted 6 years ago

    (20 items)

    About 6 weeks ago I was contacted by someone here in San Diego who saw this very large and heavy faded porcelain sign on the inside of their friend's rented home's garage. He wanted a "finder's fee" or broker fee to help me buy it from the owner so it took some time and negotiating to get the sign at the right price. It took a few weeks to do my conservation methods to bring this sign and color back to life. There was no story or background on where this sign started or who had it but it was abused to say the least. The faded color and shotgun wounds give this sign a lot of character and it was obvious to me that it has a long story to tell. This is why I really wanted to save it. I'm so happy that the color was able to come back. No touch-ups or paint was used on this sign. Just my conservation and preservation methods helped to bring back the luster and bring some life back into this sign. I'm happy with the outcome...what do you think?....

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    1. Manikin Manikin, 6 years ago
      Cool sign ! nice find
    2. purvis purvis, 6 years ago
      Great resto job . Hard to believe that is the same sign . You made it worth a lot more .
    3. Crazyboutoldstuff Crazyboutoldstuff, 6 years ago
      Love it! Do you mind telling how you brought the sign back to life?
    4. Rknight Rknight, 6 years ago
      Crazyboutoldstuff: can't give away the "secret sauce" recipe.... been working on it for almost 40 years. :-) I'll give you a hint: I started restoring old paint on cars back int he 1970's and learned a lot about porcelain, paint, and finishes in general over the years.

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