Posted 6 years ago
(284 items)
Being back on CW I'm warming up with two new posts:) . Bought a pair om bangles the other day. I was unsure of what type of plastic it was, but after some research and discussing with fellow CW friend Mary I think this is celluloid. The bangles have that smoth touch like bakelite and sound but don't look carved, so not bakelite. Looks like french ivory that I have seen in other pieces online. Bought them in an antique shop and as usual here in Scandinavia, they (we) don't have a clue about early plastic. The bangles are about 3,4 cm wide, so quite big. If you have or have seen something similar please let me know. I don't know the age of them other then that they are vintage.
They will anyway match nicely with other bangles.
Thanks Mary, I will :)
Thanks Ms Chrystalchip! But what does "to boot" mean? My english didn't stretch that far even though I normaly understand almost everything, at least I like to think I do ha ha. You got to teach me this, what does it mean? :) :)
Thanks for the explanation Val! Now I know a bit more english ????.
Sorry Val no question marks intended :)
Thankyou Mary, so sweet of you. Lots of love!