Posted 6 years ago
(1778 items)
A gift from a friend yesterday, simply when I noticed it in a small pile of garage sale leftovers and made some generic comment that it was cool. His response: "you like that, take it?!" ;-) :-) :-) AND IN FACT, I don't think I've ever seen anything else quite like it, and have been somewhat marveling over it ever since.
It is mostly the greenish veined stone (could it be jade?) roughly triangular beads interspersed with smaller whitish cylindrical (seems like stone too, ever so slight graining to them too) beads, also two slightly irridescent faceted glass beads (one more tiny further one on the 'dangle stone' end) all with various small gold/silvertone 'fancy beads' and lots of tiny black faceted beads and tubes inbetween. (those might be glass?) All are strung on a self-coily length of thin springy wire of some sort (maybe 20" or so total length if it was stretched all the way out, which I'm not gonna try to do to it...) with one more of the green stones as a 'bangle' on one end and a tiny fancy metal bead as bangle on the other end.
Hard to photograph, and I fully admit probably looking rather strange seen here on my hairy wrist <lol> I hope the pics might still otherwise show enough of it to all y'all actual jewelry experts here on CW?!! I'd just LOVE to find out (anything?!) more about what this thing really is?!!! HELP, Y'ALL?!!! :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
THANKS MUCH to Brunswick, fortapache, jscott0363, & aura for your <love it>s -- also especially to valentino97 for your lovely and informative comment!! :-) :-) :-) I VERY MUCH appreciate your estimation/identification of what it is!! <applause>
Your thoughts actually make *even more sense* given one further bit of entertaining trivia about the bracelet gained after I wrote the post yesterday -- turns out it apparently came from a box or two of 'basement cleanout' stuff once owned by a local TV station newslady. WHO KNOWS...maybe my weird little bracelet "has been seen on TV"...??? <LOLOL>
Hello Anything Obscure,
Do you have any ideabwhat it couldI be?
I look in your closet and what do I find.... Happy to see you actually have jewelry :)
And you need to make a collection for your jewelry, so I can find them :)
More THANKS to Watchsearcher & Elizabethan for adding your <love it>s!! An *excellent* suggestion Elisabethan -- I don't know why I haven't actually ever got around to making my own 'collections' here, but have indeed been working on that in the past few days. ;-) :-) The 'jewelry' one, btw, was one of the first while I was still figuring out how to work that process, so its items are listed oldest-first instead of newest first... <groan>
Stonethrowerinheaven, no, I'm afraid I don't really know any more about it now than what I've learned from valentio97 here. Given what little of its backstory I know about (related above already) I'd be comfortable guessing it is a piece custom made by some local-ish craftsman somewhere probably not all that many years ago because, indeed, local TV newsladies *do* need an ever-changing and constant assortment of new trinkets with which to adorn their outfits, don't they...?? <lol> If I had the slightest idea how/where to research it further (for its origin, maker, or whatever) I'd gladly do so but for now it'll just remain one more kinda weird bit of ladies' jewelry that's otherwise in one of my own jewelry boxes instead...? <lolol>