Posted 6 years ago
(1224 items)
This cruet probably had a stopper at some time. It has a rough pontil mark and the hand painted enamel work looks rather simple. The blue glass has a turquoise hint.
I am not sure how old it is and who made it. There are no marks.
Thanks for looking:)
I think this maybe Spanish. I have a picture of a small vase, slightly larger vase,and a lidded cruet pot in this blue, with a slightly different graphic on them, but they are labeled "Royo" and "Hand painted in Spain".
I think this is so sweet, perfect for watering little pot plants or bonsai!
Racer4four, I am so sorry for my late reply. I have been so busy!
Thanks so much for your comment. I will check it out right now. You are right, it has a bit of a Spanish feel to it.
Thanks again,
Racer4four, I finally had a look and checked out your hint. I think you are right. There certainly is a resemblance:)
Really pretty vase!