Posted 6 years ago
(1 item)
Any body have any information about this item i cant find one like it anywhere looks like gold plating at the ends the needle is more flat then round the color of the middle is like a metalic blueish purple it changes as you move around and apears to maybe be heated to achive such color and does not look like paint it has 2 eyes obviously for different purposes there are possible 2 makers Mark's I dont know but theres the double dot in between the 2 eyes and then theres the mysterious x any body have any ideas thanks for your time
It’s impossible to tell by photos so please look closely at the end of the needle where the eyes are to determine if it is actually 2 separate eyes.
Is there a hinged section that can be moved inward between the eyes?
Also, how long is the needle?
This is a bodkin. It is used to thread ribbon or threads through trim to embellish a garment. I have one like it, except mine does not have the detail on the slot/eye end of the bodkin. Mine is approximately 3 inches long. The material appears to be the same as yours.