Posted 6 years ago
(159 items)
I believe this is a Murano glass ashtray. beautiful dark red matched with white underneath. Tons of gold flakes (took one pic with the flash can really see the gold reflection). I know very little about Italian glass so any info on year/designer...etc would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
The date stamp on this photo says 2019/1/11, the others are dated 2019/1/10 yet you say the items was purchased three days ago, or yesterday, or four days ago. Personally, I asked for some photos to be taken that were in focus.All your photos have been very bad. Maybe it's time you moved on?
lol you are paying attention to the time stamps? I DID purchase a few items, like I had said, this is not one of them. I have had this piece for years. I Know that I am not skilled at photography...I apologize for that fact constantly :)
I'm not sure why the dates matter...although will turn the date stamp OFF if it seems to be a problem of some kind. And not sure what you mean by moving on.
I am on this site for information sharing and to talk glass with other collectors.
I'm not skilled at photography either, but I do not go around telling people I purchased something yesterday, or a couple of days ago when that's not correct at all.
I don't either. My date and time were already incorrectly set on my camera and have been for a long time. I never really payed attention till now. I just now set it correctly so it shouldn't be a problem anymore...for you. Thank you for pointing that out.