Posted 6 years ago
(162 items)
I think you will all like the backstory to this fascinating acquisition of mine. After completing a shopping trip at a local Tesco supermarket a couple of weeks ago, I was on my way out and wandered past a table which is near the entrance/exit set up by the McMillan Cancer research charity. Basically it's a kind of drop off point for pre-loved books which can be bought for a donation (minimum one pound per book). On this particular day, there was actually one shopping trolley full to its brim with motoring and engineering themed books, showing that someone, somewhere had obviously had a massive clear-out, and lo and behold this book was just laying on top of the massive pile.
Now, I'm no bibliophile, but I'd heard about this book as I'm a bit of an F1 buff and these memoirs were only printed for a short while and discontinued (in English) way back in the 1960's. I really thought I was dreaming when I saw it, especially the condition it's in, complete with an unmarked dust jacket.
The Holy Grail of motoring books. There, right in front of me.
So I've done a little work and found out this version that I bought is the edition for "Motoraces Book Club" printed and published in the UK. This version was printed in 1965 whereas the original English version was printed in 1963. The version I have has a green coloured hardback cover whereas the original had a blue coloured one. In terms of content, they are word word for word, photo for photo exactly the same, they have the same forward by Stirling Moss.
The version I have is unmarked, with no notations, pencil markings, folded pages, tears or creases on any page. There's no mould damage, no water stains and as I mentioned, the dust jacket is in pristine condition for a book of this age. It's interesting that the books I've seen on sale by the specialists do not seem to have a dust jacket, nor are they in as good as a condition as the one I have.
Anyway, I just thought you'd like to hear how I came about this little gem and it just goes to show how sometimes plain good luck can play a part in our on going search for treasures to add to our collections.
Such a brilliant figure in auto racing, this must be a fascinating book, great find!
It's quite a good read and I agree with you one hundred percent.
In my opinion, the late Mr. F was the last of motorsport's true mavericks, and a hell of an enigma, to boot. One thing's for sure, we'll never see the likes of him again.