Posted 6 years ago
(215 items)
I posted this Knight Kit already. I'd like to find a replacement knob for the pot. The bottom skirt is 1 1/2 " diameter, the main part of the knob is around 1" diameter and about 7/8 " tall. It fits a standard potentiometer shaft. It's a pretty simple design and could be common to Allied Radio products in the 60's. If you can advise me of a source or forum etc. to get info, I would be grateful. I had one of these when I was about 12 and would like to restore it.
Oh no, I just threw out two boxes of old Barber-Coleman controllers and circuit boards a few weeks back. I'll bet the knob on the controllers would have worked for this. I'll keep my eye open for one though.
Thanks Jscott. I appreciate your help. I think it's probably a common knob to a lot of things of that era. It's a pretty simplistic design.