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Native American Passamaquoddy Urchin Basket circa 1880-1920. With Double Ring Pull Repair by Jeremy Frey.

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    Posted 6 years ago

    (135 items)

    I have had this Urchin Basket for years now. It was perfect except for the original ring pull, it had been lost a long time ago. My idea has always been to get this basket repaired, it was in too good of a condition. And I wanted Passamaquoddy Master Basketmaker/Artist Jeremy Frey to make a Double Ring Finial to repair it. I have two of his baskets: a 4-inch Urchin basket and a small 3-inch round basket Jeremy calls a "Fine Weave Basket". We came to an agreement and I sent this Urchin to him in June and I just got it back a couple of days ago.

    I didn't know what the rings would look like or even the colors used, I told Jeremy to do what he felt would be right for the basket. This basket started out in the late 1800s-to-early 1900s with the large splints dyed Olive Green and the tiny weavers were dyed Burgundy with a few rows of Natural Ash interspersed. You can look inside this basket and see the original colors still. But over the decades the Burgundy has mellowed to Dark Brown and around the lid on top has gone a dark Gray because of dirt/dust. The Green on the bottom of the basket has polychromed to a light Mint Green. Jeremy used the colors of dark Gray and light Mint Green for the Double Ring Pull and it's perfect. There is no signature by Frey, for a basket made by another artist he does not feel right signing it. And he is right, it would disrespect the original artist. The basket is back home, repaired and I am a happy lady right now.

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    1. jscott0363 jscott0363, 6 years ago
      Beautiful basket and nice repair job!!
    2. Tlynnie1942 Tlynnie1942, 6 years ago
      jscotto363, thanks. Definitely worth the cost to make it shine again :)

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