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Victorian brown Peloton glass rose bowl vase with "snowflake" type rim

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    Posted 6 years ago

    (949 items)

    I have seen this large Victorian rose bowl online for many years. Recently it showed up on eBay, & luckily I was the only bidder.
    This is the fourth example of this unusual type of brown Peloton glass that I have acquired over the last two years, & I'm thrilled to have it in my collection.
    It is a substantial size for a rose bowl, measuring around 15 cm tall, 14 cm across the fancy, "snowflake" top rim, & 11.5 cm across the base, which has a neatly polished out pontil mark.
    The vase is made from three layers of cased glass - clear over brown Peloton threads, with a white interior. It sits on three, clear applied rustic feet. Feet are similar to the applied feet on a large yellow frit vase I posted a couple of years back.
    A very fine quality & heavy piece. I am not even going to speculate on a possible maker, suffice to say that I believe it to be of Bohemian origin.
    I'm sure that it will become an interesting source of conjecture, with regard to this rare type of Victorian art glass...

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    1. sklo42 sklo42, 6 years ago
      Wonderful find.....some features point in one direction and others disagree!!! But I too would have bought it happily.
    2. IronLace IronLace, 6 years ago
      Many thanks, sklo42, yes, I thought this one might open a can of worms...for some reason I seem to be drawn such pieces! :-)
      Hope you can find yourself some brown Peloton too, it's something special for sure...
    3. IronLace IronLace, 6 years ago
      Thanks so much, valentino97!
      I'm actually not 100% sure of what the specifics were for arranging roses in rose bowls...this is a big one, so would definitely work well with a tightly packed, short bouquet. But some of them are extremely tiny & you would be lucky to fit one small bloom in them!
    4. welzebub welzebub, 6 years ago
      I am of the opinion that this is quite possibly Welz production. It has several attributes which point that direction. The "Snowflake" crimped rim is certainly one of the strongest indicators. I saw my first one of these about 3 years ago. I have also seen a small side by side "double vase" which leans towards Welz production and also found in this same decor. These 2 examples are the only 2 I can recall seeing in this exact Peloton decor.
    5. IronLace IronLace, 5 years ago
      Forgive my late reply, welzebub - I thought possibly Welz too, given the snowflake rim. I have seen the "Siamese" conjoined rose bowl(s) as it was called at the time in this same brown Peloton - it's pictured in a 1960s art glass reference book I own. The applied feet are also quite similar to the feet on my large yellow frit vase posted a couple of years ago.
    6. IronLace IronLace, 5 years ago
      Thanks also for your thoughts, renedijkstra.
    7. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 5 years ago
      It's a beauty!
    8. IronLace IronLace, 5 years ago
      Thanks so much, shareurpassion - glad you're enjoying it!
    9. welzebub welzebub, 5 years ago
      Here is an image which shows an example like yours, with what may be better images of the double Peloton.

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