Posted 5 years ago
(390 items)
I found this item in a fancy box which I purchased for the fine Hamilton pocket watch within. I looked everywhere and I can not identify it, but then, I am by no means knowledgeable in this area. However, I know that there are many on CW that are, So, I want to pick your brain to help me identify it as to it's use and possibly the material that it is made from, and the era from which it came.
It is photographed next to a standard ball point pen for size comparison. This strange shaped item has a slide lid by which to pour something in. At the end of the tapered portion, it has a series of holes (similar to what you would find on a salt shaker). On the flat backside, it is highly decorated with engravings of sort. It also has, what appears to be a belt loop that is pinned at the end to prevent the belt or chain from slipping out and the locket item from falling.
It is quality made with very precise details and It appears to be made of a silver like material. In sliding back the little window, I can see that the inside is made from the same material as the outside., so it is not brass, then plated. It is surely not soft like pewter, but has a feel of silver texture ( I really don't know what that statement means, but then I told you that I am quite ignorant on this subject). I can find no identifying markings stamped on the item to identify it's material make-up
I mentioned pomander because it is the closest thing that has the same details.
If any body has an idea of its use, material, and era by which it was used, please help me solve this puzzle.
Whatever it held, it looks like a little bit would have gone a long way since it's so small. Very interesting!
If those holes go all the way thru, nothing fine will stay in it. Using that reasoning, it would only be filled just before use. Simply put, "I haven't the foggyest".
I’m just going to toss out a guess here:
I’m thinking this could have held some aromatic substance. The device could have been worn on a band or ribbon around the neck like a pendant so the wearer could keep it handy for putting it up to his nose whenever some noxious odor was encountered. Or if it held an aromatic “medication” for a stuffy nose - like an early “Vick’s inhaler”- it could be sniffed.
I’m looking forward to this mystery being solved or reading others’ ideas! :^)
something used on a animal collar for fleas or bugs with a slow release...
Oh ! Gary wears one . LOL !!
Tossing out one more totally random guess...a gizmo intended to dispense little bits of [ahem, cough cough] "powdery substances" which might or might not be actually "legal", depending on how old it really is or isn't...?? ;-)
Watchsearcher's ideas are probably more valid... <giggle>
Well. theres one thing I know Robert Lucas that is theres doubt that your an a ignorant a$$hole ...and you'll never change...later all, I'm ouit of hear.
I would venture to say this item is a defuser pendant. Normally worn by a woman on a necklace around her neck. It would have had aromatic defuser pads that went inside it. The pads came in all different scents. My 2 cents.
Maybe a humidifier inside a box of tobacco products??
I'm wondering about the folding bipod.
Gary....I concur.....
Might not be too late to develop a sense of humour, guys.
The bipod looking legs are not foldable legs BB2. The little pin effect at the junction of the V fastens it in place creating a belt loop condition or maybe a ribbon or necklace holder
I thought they looked soldered down.
I tend to agree with fhrjr2. a defuzer pendant or pomander.
Surely no "lady" could be encouraged to wear this piece of metal around their neck? Please be kind enough to give us the dimensions.
of course no "gentleman" neither......whether from neck or belt.
really should've checked correct grammatical usage of neither, nor........
Wearing it around the neck is by no means an indication that it is in plain sight. You can get the fragrance without it being visible, as in dancing closely.