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Those Challenging Czech Glass Lidded Jars, Another Unsolved Quandary.

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Beyermann's loves850 of 1046More Bohemia-Czech glass varied glass applications, decors and colors.Kralik vs Ruckl. Part I RUCKL
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    Posted 5 years ago

    (369 items)

    Since the Tango Sklo Exhibits in the Czech Republic in 2012 or so, and the first time some Ruckl glass pieces from the interwar period were finally revealed and part of five different small exhibits, it has been a challenge to find the same pieces that were attributed, especially since those attributions seemed to change. It looked as if Ruckl went to the four different museum locations with slightly different groupings. There never was any explanation as far as I know.

    We also now know that Ruckl did not make decorative glass till after WWI.

    Image 1 and 4 are my glass items, and 2 is a Tango Sklo Ruckl group partial image, and 3 is a Mattis collection publication example. We can see that there are two shapes and two sizes for these lidded jars, some without the lids

    Are they all Ruckl? Not possible to say at the moment. Still interesting to see them together on a CW post.

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    1. truthordare truthordare, 5 years ago
      Thank you for the loves CW members, always appreciated. Have a good long weekend to those of us in Canada and USA.
    2. verbatim verbatim, 5 years ago
      Thank you for your knowledge regarding the foo dogs.

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